Thursday, January 15, 2009

Random Bits

I saw this sign in an airport a few months ago. I, of course, added the sarcastic warning at the bottom. I thought it was a rather silly sign at first, but then I thought it is always better to be safe than sorry... right? Right.

This "Glamour Shot" was taken by my seventeen year old niece, L. My seven year old niece, M and my L were dressed-up, made-up and "forced" to pose for several adorable pictures. This one is a classic. I especially love M's little polka dot shirt.

Almost eleven years ago, R and I were given an ice cream maker as a wedding gift. We used it once about 6 months into our marriage. Since then the ice cream maker has been in a box, stored in our basement/attic/closet (depending on the apartment or house). A couple months ago we were cleaning out our garage and we came across the ice cream maker box. We decided that we'd give ourselves 6 months to use the ice cream maker. If we failed to do so, it would be given away to a more attentive, loving home. Well, I am happy to say that we did it! We made homemade ice cream. And do you know what, it was totally worth the years of carting/storing that thing - the ice cream was soooo good! I have a really special place in my ice cream-loving heart for homemade berry ice cream because my grandparents would make us ice cream, every time we visited, with strawberries or raspberries from their garden. So, THANK YOU to whomever gave us the best wedding gift we took for granted.

These are the most recent creations from my cake decorating class - mums and apple blossoms. Incidentally, I've caught on pretty quickly to most of the techniques, but I totally suck at making roses - which is interesting because roses made out of icing generally gross me out. It's like, where's my motivation... ya know?

Just after Christmas, my mother wanted all the grandkids to put on a nativity play with these really cute costumes she bought. Most of the cousins were really into it, taking turns being Mary or Joseph, or using the shepherd's crook to hook each other's necks. For some reason, D was just not feeling it. Maybe next year :)

If you sent us a Christmas or holiday card; first of all, thank you! Second, here is proof that the gesture is appreciated - each year we create a Christmas card shrine and spend much of the holiday basking in the love we feel that radiates off this wall of Christmas/Holiday greetings!


Pamela said...

The only gift I absolutely wanted for our wedding was an ice cream maker! I got it and we love it. I think we have the same one as you judging by the container. You must commit to making it often, it is so yummy!

Pants are often optional at our house. I am sure the neighbors roll their eyes at the many times one of my kids has snuck outside with no pants on. The best was when Caleb snuck out with no underwear either. I guess you can get away with it when you are two!

Camille said...

Good idea for the cards. I never really knew what to do with mine so a wall decoration for a month is a great idea!! AHH the ol ice cream maker! We have had ours for 5 years now and NOT one time have we used it. It is currently in the have inspired me...maybe! Great flowers sorry you stink at the roses =)