Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tears on Her Pocket Folder

I just got back from taking Q and L to the first day of school. I was really looking forward to getting back into the school schedule, but I am already missing my big kids.

Three days ago, L was in tears because she just couldn't wait to start first grade. "I can't wait!" she howled repeatedly. Last night, I reminded her that school was starting the next morning. She began to sob, "I'm not ready for first grade! I want to just go back to kindergarten!" I realize this emotional range is not completely abnormal, I'm just having a hard time keeping up!

This morning she seemed totally fine, until we got out of the car at the school parking lot. I told them to pose for a picture and L asked me to wait until she wiped her tears away. She was trying so hard to keep it together, poor dear. We made it into the building and classroom holding hands tightly. Once we were in the classroom, the tears really let loose. The really funny thing is that she didn't even hesitate last year - first day of kindergarten was a piece o' cake!

We walked around, checking out ways in which the room was the same as last year's and ways in which it was even better. I then told her it was time for me to leave.

"Be brave, okay?" says me.

"Okay." says brave, little L.

Q requested that he walk to his classroom all by himself. Fourth grade is a time for sophistication, I suppose.


The Silly Witch said...

Pippi's a little emotional about the onset of school, as well. One morning she was playing school, her new backpack on her back, turning each room in the house into a classroom. And then the next day we found out who her teacher was, and she broke down saying she'd never go back to school. I wonder if I was so dramatic. I highly doubt it.

The Fantastic Four said...

I am wiping my tears as well to see to type. I am missing it all!!

shelbell said...

Ah. L is breaking my heart over here. Did you break down in tears in the car after putting up the brave mommy front??
I love how excited D looks in the pic:)
And I too remember feeling pretty grown up in the 4th grade!