We just got some new old dogs. Dogs that are new to us, but old. I suppose it's like a new old car, but these dogs weren't detailed before we got them. A coworker of R's had too many dogs and they're gone most of the day... so these two poor, old pups needed more attention.
You must know we've never (ever) in our marriage said, "Let's have two dogs... two is better than one." It was more like, "One dog will be nice... someday... when we've recovered from our previous attempt at owning a crazy dog. Maybe a dog that is so small you can forget it's in the room and it could dig in the yard all day and still not make a dent. Like a tiny, weak, dog that doesn't know how to bark. That's the dog for us."
Well, to my surprise R suggested that we go check out these dogs and MAYBE bring ONE home. Yippee! We go and see these very cute, shed-monsters and I'm half happy, half wanting to cry. "Well..." we say to the kids, "should we take one of these dogs home for the weekend?" You know, to try it out. "Oh, no," says R's co-worker, "they're a pair... I was wanting to keep them together, they've aways been together." Pause, pause pause. "Okay," says R "we could try it out." *CONK* (that's the sound of my jaw hitting the floor... and the sound I imagine my big, giant tears of regret will make when they fall on the ground). But, I'm still half happy, too. I love dogs and my children have wanted a dog every day of their lives. Little, baby L would say, "Ga-ga, goo-goo, doggie." I swear (not really).
So we take them home and they go running around the house sniffing everything. Then they go in the back yard and bark at the squirrels. Then they come inside and lay down... and just stay that way for the rest of the day. Until we get their leashes out and they are SO excited to go on a walk! We walk them through our neighborhood feeling like dog-owners (yeah). Then we come home and they lay down... and stay that way for the rest of the day. So, we've kind of got a sweet deal going here.
We made it through the weekend and felt 110% sure that these dogs would be a good fit here! L said, "Let's see if the dogs want us?!" when we suggested that the dogs should live here permanently. How cute is that? Way.
So our new old dogs are named Kylie and Tyler (these are the names they've had for ten years, so I think they deserve to keep them). They are eleven or twelve years old, litter mates and best friends. It's seriously the sweetest thing on earth the way they look after one another and HATE to be apart. They were with the same kind, loving family for ten years and it shows in their behavior. Other than really wanting so badly to get ahold of a squirrel, they've shown themselves to be as gentle as can be. Even when I gave them a bath with cold hose water they just stood there, because I told them to. I hope they rub off on my kids.

I actually caught Kylie "winking" at the camera!

Tyler is giving me the paparazzi paw here. He just wants his privacy, but I just want to post pictures of him on the Internet.