Monday, July 13, 2009

Budding Life

In our history of home ownership (we are currently on house number four), R and I have probably planted six or seven dozen plants and around twenty trees. We've had a few loses; bushes that whither and brown almost immediately or maybe last a season, then just never show much promise afterward. We've also had some very gratifying opportunities to take a suffering plant and make is happy again. We once transferred a tree growing too close to the fence. It seemed to die pretty quickly, but just as we had resigned ourselves to failure it starting budding green! That was sweet.

During our backyard redo, we took five rose bushes and transferred them to a new spot. One in particular looked doomed. We gave it some serious water and crossed our fingers. Sure enough, we started to see some lovely green soon and (perhaps as a way to say, "Thanks for not letting me die.") now there are beautiful roses blooming! That's sweet.

(This is a lovely pink oleander bush that we planted, too. I LOVE it!)

1 comment:

The Fantastic Four said...

You all are such a green-thumb! The Oleander is my FAVORITE!