Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Wednesday to L

In just a few days it will be L's birthday. She can hardly think of anything but her birthday. She is also quite mad (mostly at me) that she has to go to sleep so many times before her day arrives. Not only is L obsessing about her birthday, but she is insisting that everyone around her obsess about her birthday.

Last Sunday she asked her Dad why he hadn't told her "Happy Birthday" yet. The answer that it was not yet her birthday did not satisfy and she went on being offended. The next day at the grocery store, L caught the attention of a random stranger and said, "Today is my birthday!" Of course, the random stranger gave her a warm and enthusiastic, "Happy Birthday!" I discreetly reminded L that her birthday wasn't until Friday (assuming that the poor little thing is so excited she can't keep the days straight). L giggled and said, "I know, I just wanted to hear her say happy birthday to me!"

The cake is also obsessed over; what will it look like, when will I buy it, how will I take it in the car without it tipping over and getting ruined, what will it taste like, when will she eat it, who gets to share it with her, etc... Any moment not spent thinking about cake is spent thinking about presents. L has had a running list for the last couple of months. She is impressively specific about what she wants; a barbie doll with earrings that doesn't smell like sun tan lotion, earrings for herself (clip-ons because she hasn't asked for pierced ears yet -phew!), Troy and Gabriella dolls, Polly Pockets, princess dolls and many other items I have since forgotten.

I have to stop myself from warning her against getting too excited - I just don't want her to wake up the day after, look around at her toys and feel a little let down that it's all over. It's the anticipation of the fun and exciting that makes the mundane a little less so. I suppose that lesson can wait until she's a little older. Besides, these days if it isn't "Happy Birthday," L just isn't listening.


The Fantastic Four said...

I wonder if it's a girl thing? Kenzie and L could be...cousins:)

rmn said...

What a closing.

EDS said...

Happy birthday to L!

The Silly Witch said...

I wish I felt that excited about my birthday. What fun! And what a personality!