Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Life is always changing, but lately I have personally had a few big changes.
I started school. I'm going to a community college - starting at square one - and working towards getting into the nursing program. I'm only taking a couple classes per semester until little D is a big Kindergartner, so I'll be doing this for a long time...

I cut my hair. It had gotten pretty long, so this was a drastic change. However, I am no stranger to a short hairstyle so it hasn't been weird to me - just weird for my friends here in New Mexico that have only known me with long hair.

I had Lasik surgery. This, strangely enough, has been the hardest change for me. I'm really happy I did it and have no regrets - it's great! - but I didn't realize that I would miss my glasses. I've worn glasses basically since I was seven years old. When something has been a part of your face for that long, it feels a little... sad to be without it. I'm a total crackpot, I know! Give me a few more weeks and I will be 100% glad to be glasses free, instead of 80%.


EDS said...

I get it - missing your glasses, I mean. You know what's weird? Since I've had Lasik I have sort of missed my old vision. Not enough to regret Lasik, of course. But sometimes I feel a little sad that nearly blind part of me is no longer. Still, I'm SOOO happy to be able to see.

Btw, I still absolutely LOVE your hair!


DA & J said...

Whoa, those are big changes. I am so impressed that you are back in school. That takes dedication! Oh, and I love your new hair cut!

The Fantastic Four said...

Mel, always changing for the better...I didn't think that was possible:)

keith said...

I know what you mean about the glasses. I am finally used to it!

Coopcakes said...

Wow those are exciting changes! Have fun in school - it is so much better when you actually WANT to go, to reach a goal. And cute hair!
Also, one person I know wears glasses with just glass lenses (no prescription) just because they like the way it looks. Ha ha! Just an option if you miss them too much. :)

The Silly Witch said...

Nice hair. It looks so good on you. It'll be the perfect hair cut for a busy student and mom. I think you'll be a great nurse, and I'm sure it will go faster than you think. I too will return to school when my youngest gets a little bigger. And the Lasik...I'm so jealous!

Camille said...

wow you have had a lot going on. Why the decision to go back to school? What lasik painful? You will have to let me know. Looks like life is rolling well for you.

Kelly said...

Dude! I wish you lived up here so I could go to school with you! I'd love to go into nursing, but I need a motivator!

Telitha said...

Wow, big changes! Your hair is now like I remember it- it looks great both ways. I hope you adjust to your new eyes soon:) Good luck in school!

B and B said...

I wish you all the best with nursing. I have been there and done that, so let me know if you need amy advice/encouragement. Way to go!