Monday, July 13, 2009

Jade Hummingbird Dancers

A couple of weekends ago, we took my parents and niece & nephew to see some Aztec dancers perform at the Petroglyph National Monument. The tradional clothing was beautiful and the dances were really interesting.

The head dresses were really incredible. A couple of them were around four feet high!

You can't tell from the picture, but this guy in black had crazy-looking skulls all over his clothing.

This guy put each foot into the fire, then each inner thigh?? (as above) then his chest. I'm sure there was a very good reason for it, but I didn't get why...

Q, L and cousin M with one of the dancers.


Pamela said...

The backyard looks great, can't wait to see it in person. I have been wanting to plant an oleander in our backyard, the blooms are so beautiful!

The Fantastic Four said...

OUCH!! It is so fun to watch them dance. We watched a display that was put on in Mexico at the resort we were staying at...It was incredible and so much fun to see the different things they did. (They also did the thigh, foot AND tummy in the fire)

Camille said...

fun fun and crazy good shot of the thigh burning ouch! I remember i walked over coals once...not smart.

Telitha said...

I love shows like that. The costumes are great! Your backyard looks awesome!