Sunday, June 29, 2008

All Gone to Look for America

Last week, my family and I left New Jersey and took a five day journey across America. We landed in New Mexico a few days ago... it's great here, but I'm missing New Jersey. We have really wonderful friends in NJ, and I wish I could have brought them all with me (thanks to all whom helped our exit go smoothly).

We stayed our first night in Columbus, Ohio in a crappy little Motel 6 (never again, thank you). We then made it to Keokuk, Iowa; where we stayed for a couple of nights so we could see Nauvoo, Illinois. Next was Kansas City, Kansas (with a quick stop the next day in Independence, Missouri); Amarillo, Texas; and then Albuquerque, New Mexico. The journey was a memorable event - especially seeing all the flooding near the Mississippi River - and we are glad to have travelled it. We are also grateful to have arrived safely. Except for a few minor ailments (bug bites, sore parts and over-active bladders) the whole trip went very smoothly. My mother and our nephew came along and helped in a major way (big THANKS to them).

Our apartment here in New Mexico is small - 600 square feet small - and infested with cockroaches (true story). We are manically searching for a house, so we can feel good about our decision to move! In time, all will be good again.


The Silly Witch said...

Good luck with the househunting. 5 days in a car is insane. I'm so glad you all survived. Good luck with all the bugs. It gives me the chills just thinking about it.

Telitha said...

Wow, sounds like an adventure! Shoot, I wish I'd realized you were driving through Ohio and you could've stayed a night with us in Cleveland... oh well, another time:)

Camille said...

WOW! Sounds like a crazy journey! Glad you got to do some site seeing on the way. NJ isn't the same with out the Nuttals =) Hope you guys find an house soon. 600 sq ft sounds painful!! Please don't tell me that the spider in the pic was in your apartment??!? Keep the pictures coming!

Alyssa said...

You moved from NJ. It won't be the same without you. Hope you enjoy your stay in NM. If you're ever in Taos, my cousin's are there. Isn't the reorganized temple so strange?